Tuesday, 15 June 2010

More of Life in Science Lab...


It’s been a while since I’ve blogged—sorry! (For all of you loyal blog-checkers out there.) Lots of wonderful things have happened since last I wrote here, but first I must throw in an anecdote from lab today, which is, yet again, where I find myself at this very moment. I’m waiting to test my water samples for their phosphorus content. I have been since 8:30, and it will be around 10:45 before I get started. I’m getting very good at finding interesting, but still somewhat studious-looking, things to do at my desk. It’s a fine art, I tell you.

Anyway, here’s my random tidbit from life in a science lab: today I’m going to tell you about the cold room. The cold room is one of my least favorite places to go in the Science Center, mainly, I would think, because it is a refrigerator big enough to walk in, and to keep things that in former days could walk in as well (only animals! Don’t get too crazy on me!). The smell that smacks into you with a solid front, like a pungent, cold, brick wall, is not quite pleasant. In fact, the only thing that can help you understand this smell is to think back to your high school biology class days. Remember the frogs, once you were well into the process, and their smell had fully infiltrated the classroom? You’ve got it. There’s our smell. The smell, however, isn’t the only disturbing part of the cold room. I can’t find the light switch in the cold room to save my life. I’ve looked everywhere. I found one switch, but it looks surprisingly industrial and connects to a complicated looking box. Unlike most of my peers here, I am most certainly not an engineer, and I don’t want to mess with that box. So what do I do? I prop open the door with a small bucket that’s near the door while I venture in to obtain my water samples. Today, as I was replacing the bucket upon its twin after propping open the door, I noticed a sliver of green tape on the lid. A label. What did the label say? “Sheep brain.”

Yummy. Thank you, biology. I’m going to go wash my hands. ;)

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